Type: Exhibition
Source: Monday 8.4.13...Monday 24.4.13
Annotator: Will Holder
Sequence: 2 of 5
Year annotated: 2020
I’m looking out the window at other windows. Though the pane masquerades as transparent I know it is impenetrable just as too great a show of frankness gives you a mere paper draft on revelations. As if words were passports, or arrows that point to the application we might make of them without considering the difference of biography and life. Still, depth of field allows the mind to drift beyond its negative pole to sun catching on a maple leaf already red in August, already thinner, more translucent, preparing to strip off all that separates it from its smooth skeleton. Beautiful, flamboyant phrase that trails off without predicate, intending disappearance by approaching it, a toss in the air.

Type: Exhibition
Source: Leonora
Annotator: Will Holder
Sequence: 3 of 5
Year annotated: 2020
Because I refuse to accept the opposition of night and day I must pit other, subtler periodicities against the emptiness of being an adult. Their traces inside my body attempt precariously, like any sign, to produce understanding, but though nothing may come of that, the grass is growing. Can words play my parts and also find their own way to the house next door as rays converge and solve their differences? Or do notes follow because drawn to a conclusion? If we don’t signal our love, reason will eat our heart out before it can admit its form of mere intention, and we won’t know what has departed.

Type: Exhibition
Source: Leonora
Annotator: Will Holder
Sequence: 4 of 5
Year annotated: 2020
The meaning of certainty is getting burned. Though truth will still escape us, we must put our hands on bodies. Staying safe is a different death, the instruments of defence eating inward without evening out the score. As the desire to explore my body’s labyrinth did, leading straight to the center of nothing. From which projected my daily world of representation with bright fictional fireworks. Had I over invested in spectacle? In mere fluctuations of light which, like a bird’s wingbeat, must with time slow to the point of vanishing? What about buying bread or singing in the dark? Even if the ground for our assumptions is the umber of burnt childhood we’re driven toward the sun as if logic had no other exit.

Type: Exhibition
Source: The Siege
Annotator: Will Holder
Sequence: 5 of 5
Year annotated: 2020
You were determined to get rid of your soul be expressing it completely, rubbing the silver off the mirror in hope of a new innocence of body on the other side of knowing. A limpid zone which would not wholly depend on our grammar in the way the sea draws its color from the sky. Noon light, harsh, without shadow. Each gesture intending only its involvement with gravity, a pure figure of reach, as the hyperbola is for its asymptotes or circles widening on the water for the stone that broke the surface. But the emigration is rallied, reflections regather across the ripples. Everything in our universe curves back to the apple.
Typography is the organisation of language in conversation with things. Will Holder’s comments are extracted from Rosmarie Waldrop, Lawn of Excluded Middle, originally published in 1993 by Tender Buttons books.
When I say I believe that women have a soul and that its substance contains two carbon rings the picture in the foreground makes it difficult to find its appearance back where the corridors get lost in ritual sacrifice and hidden bleeding. But the four points of the compass are equal on the lawn of the excluded middle where full maturity of meaning takes time the way you eat a fish, morsel by morsel, off the bone. Something that can be held in the mouth, deeply, like darkness by someone blind or the empty space I place at the center of each poem to allow penetration.